Pumpkin experience.
Pumpkin Experience was... well, it was certainly an experience, let me tell you what. It was a very little side project that started in 2011 and lasted a couple of years before reaching its natural conclusion.

Created for fans of Kirby Adventure, this was a minimal-effort joke comic that utilized what used to be known as the Bad Translator. It was a website that took any sentence or phrase, and run it through like 70 different Google Translate langauges, back-and-forth, in order to create a highly inaccurate resulting translation from the original sentence. What I did was utilize the Bad Translator to retranslate every line of dialogue in Kirby Adventure, which resulted in some quite entertaining nonsense.
I kept using it for a while, but the site changed hands and methodology multiple times over the course of several years, and it wound up being much more work to get things retranslated, and often times the quality wasn't particularly good. Instead of nonsensical sentences, often later pages would just provide complete gibberish, which made it harder to want to keep updating the comic during the later parts of the comic.
Eventually, once I hit page 100 and finished the first chapter of Kirby Adventure, I felt it was a fitting time to call it quits. Since KA pages after that point stopped being quite as humor-focused, the tone of Pumpkin Experience might not have fit as well anyway, but mostly the reason was just that it was becoming too annoying to make new pages for. I preferred to give it a solid conclusion point than a more awkward one, so, ending it where I did was the right call, I think.

There's really nothing else to it beyond that. It's just the first 100 pages of Kirby Adventure, but completely nonsensical. Enjoy it if you'd like.
Originally, the Kirby Adventure page titles and author comments would also get retranslated when posted, but all I have retained are the pages themselves, and none of the supplemental website material. I may see if anything survived via the Wayback Machine, but otherwise, those have been lost to time.