Ulti Falls In Love With Sailor Moon
(The 90's anime, as dubbed by Intertrack, produced by Cloverway, and released in LatAm territories, because if I don't specify, I will invite discourse)
Welcome to the hub of my newfound, growing love of the original Sailor Moon anime from the 90's! Manga/Crystal lovers, look elsewhere, because all I'll have for you here is anime reactions. Unless I get REALLY bored someday.
I was introduced to this show in 2024 by my great friends Melluh and Matteh, and they've taken it upon themselves to curate the experience for me and present me with the best possible Sailor Moon experience I can get. To that extent, Matteh has taken the LatAm dub and given it his own English translation and subtitles, and has occasionally cut out an episode or two (though, when we get around to it, Season 4 is gonna wind up being the most different from a typical Sailor Moon watch-through. No idea how I'll handle uploading that here, but that's Future Ulti's problem)
Anyways, I'm extremely grateful for their hard work allowing me to experience the show this way, and I figured responding to episodes as they were sent my way would be a nice return on investment. This blossomed into a wide range of reactions that felt worthy of sharing elsewhere, too, so for the second time on this website, I've got an entire section dedicated to write-up reactions to a television show! Move over Doctor Who, it's time for some MAGICAL GIRLS.
Click the above Season buttons to display a list of the episodes, and view my writings that I wrote (usually) immediately after watching them!