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Smack Jeeves Website Graphics
Smack Jeeves Webcomic Hosting had banner images in the same vein as, say, the box art of a video game or movie. I made a few different banners for Kirby Adventure over the years, and here they all are in one collection:

This last one was made after the NHN Media buyout initially caused a massive site-wise redesign for Smack Jeeves. A lot of changes occurred, including requiring large vertical cover pages instead of the small horizontal banners that Smack Jeeves used to use.
These were buttons made for the website's design. I could have reused some of them, but a lot were obsolete or unnecessary, so I ultimately elected to preserve them here instead.

These originally went on the top row, between the large Kirby Adventure Header and the main body. It's where currently I simply have text links to take you to different pages. Most of these buttons' destinations wouldn't really fit this reuploaded site.

These ones were used on a comic page to navigate between the first, previous, next, and latest pages. I actually kept the previous and next arrows on this Neocities site, but First and Latest no longer had a usable purpose, so I kept them for here instead. So, if you were wondering about the weird character selection for those buttons, this is why: not all of them are on display now.

These weren't actually buttons, but were just two miscellaneous, Kirby Adventure-related avatars I once used on Smack Jeeves. I'm preserving them here because I have nowhere else to put them.

Finally, I used to have a "Segment Select" graphic with special, clickable parts to it, below every comic page. Due to the format of how I reuploaded everything here to Neocities, this graphic wouldn't be particularly useful anymore, but it was a pretty neat graphic, so it was definitely worth putting on the site somewhere.
Old Cast Pages
If you want the finalized cast pages, go back to the Extra Content Hub and click the dedicated Cast Page (or, just click here, lmao). But the finalized cast page came around approximately 2015-ish. I had a lot of other cast page attempts before then, with various conflicting/outdated/retconned/poorly-written information. So, for sake of preservation, I've retained ALL the original cast page contents here, too.
2010 - Cast Page #1: The Earliest & Forgotten
These were only recently recovered thanks to me no longer having the files for any of these, but realizing that my past self must have uploaded them somewhere online. Thus, I eventually found them after briefly recovering my old-ass Photobucket account and downloading them during my temporary file retrieval. They're EXTREMELY inaccurate to how most of the characters got depicted, and highlighted aspects that never resurfaced or continued.
They were very obviously Early Installment Weirdness, except they weren't even relevant to the comic because I changed most of this info pretty quickly. And Talzo's never even went public before now!

2010 - Cast Page #2: KAS Member Files
I had to restore these, as the original PNGs didn't exist, but the SVG files still did. I had to remake the old screencaps used for the image bubbles in these, but they're fairly accurate to how they once looked back in the day.
These ones, unlike any other cast page, were a bit more stylized in that they were attempting to be in-universe analyses on the various KAS members, like a typical organization would have as files on their own agents, hence why they're called KAS Member Files.

2011 - Cast Page #3: We Got Buttons Now
By 2011, I had learned how to make an image that you could click on and have it bring you to a webpage displaying a single, static image. So I made a bunch of buttons for my next, more thorough batch of character profiles. Evidently, I made more buttons than cast pages, so funnily enough, a few of these don't actually display anything at all. It's not a bug, it's... a feature?
Regardless, I've upgraded the presentation a bit for this reupload, fitting in with how I'm displaying the current cast page, so now clicking the buttons will display the character information directly onto the page here. Convenience!

2012 - Cast Page #4: More Cast, More Buttons
The last update to my cast page, before, well, the definitive cast page got made around 2015-ish. These lasted me for a while, and were mostly an upgrade on the above buttons. And this time, even MORE buttons don't actually lead to profiles. I'm not sure why I made so many buttons that don't have corresponding blurbs, but ah well. All the ones who CAN be clicked are organized first.
