
"What's Smack Jeeves?"

Smack Jeeves Webcomic Hosting was a website run by a user known simply as the Smack Jeeves Admin from 2005 to 2019. It was heavily based around user content, with a large selection and variety of comics and over 30,000+ comics of varying qualities and experiences. In 2019, the website was sold to Korean company NHN, who very swiftly ran the site into the ground by trying to overpromote their own content, ignoring the existing community, changing the website's design and customizability, until by late 2020, they just decided to axe the entire website and delete almost two decades of internet content right from the noses of everybody. While much of Smack Jeeves' comics were saved to the Internet Archive, a large chunk of the comics on there are now completely gone from the internet forever, and it really sucks.

"Okay, but what's that got to do with you?"

While my current audience probably isn't aware of it at all, Smack Jeeves was where I actually began as an online content creator, long before any of my art projects and even before my YouTube Let's Plays. I began my internet career with making shitty sprite comics using Adobe Photoshop and publishing them on Smack Jeeves around January of 2010. On May 2nd, 2010, I began my largest of these many SJ projects, Kirby Adventure, which lasted from 2010 to the end of 2017. I had several various side projects and content on the website that, of course, is no longer present anywhere online as a result of the removal of Smack Jeeves as a website.

"So, what can be found here?"

This part of my website is going to act as a complete archive of everything I still have saved (which is quite a lot) of my own personal works related to Smack Jeeves, and that era of my content creation of spritework, early comicking career, reviews, banners, bonus material, anything I have essentially. Ideally, it will eventually contain everything, though it will be a process to get it all up. Updates on what's here will be displayed on the Updates bar on the right side of the website as a whole. And, of course, anything here will be shown off in the box above all this written info.