Yoshi & Kirby
Yoshi & Kirby was my first-ever created work, beginning approximately around December 21st, 2009 (aka, my 13th birthday). Utilizing very crude spritework, my earliest attempts at understanding Adobe Photoshop CS2 and generally attempting to write my first bits of public content, it was a bit of a mess to put it frankly. The original comic ran publicly from early 2010 to... I wanna say about mid-to-late 2010? August-ish, maybe? I no longer have the original dates attached to the original comic's files, so I can only guesstimate.

The first five months of Yoshi & Kirby ran as my main work, but by May of 2010, I had figured out much better methodologies to make comics with my second main attempt at a comic, Kirby Adventure. That comic originally started out as a side project, and very quickly became my main project after a few more months. By late 2010, Yoshi & Kirby had stopped being updated frequently, and was looking rougher and rougher even to me at that age. So when I officially decided to cancel the project, it was with an important caveat: I wanted to start it back over from the ground up.

Thus, there are two different versions of Yoshi & Kirby, both preserved here on this website now. The original run, and the reboot, which began on May 5th, 2011, and got unceremoniously perma-hiatus'd after its final page on December 21st, 2014, 5 years after the very first page of the original comic. The original run lasted for 151 pages, while the reboot lasted for 109. All the pages can be found below, sorted by version of the comic and grouped by general chapter selection.
And if you need to know what the comic is about... well, I mean, it says it right on the tin. It's a very basic, generic crossover between Nintendo's Yoshi's Island and Kirby, where magic spells going wrong brings Kirby into the Yoshi's Island universe, with a bunch of recolored Yoshi OCs and a bunch of random other shenanigans.