Chapter 1

So, the annotations for the reboot will come with the assumption that you've at least glanced through the original pages. In doing so, well, you'll see the wide gap in presentation already. Even just one year of comic-making had gotten me to this major kind of improvement. While there will still be some issues visually, such as semi-awkward sprite poses, a general lack of close-ups, and whatnot, it's still miles better than the original, that's for sure.
One of the major desires with the reboot was a greater sense of consistency, and a better sense of where the plot was. Re-railing the original concept of Yoshi & Kirby after basically undermining the entire Yoshi aspect by the later end of the originals was important to me at the time, as was presentation. Thus, every page had 4 panels each, character personalities were a bit more visible and consistent, and a lot of things wound up reworked and adjusted to fit a more grounded plot.

3 - Snack Chat

4 - She's The Boss

One key thing about this redone prologue was, obviously, establishing a bit more mystery for Kirby's appearance, rather than it just being... a thing that happened and had to be accepted. The character of Xenali here was also adjusted to be far more reasonable and involved. I also changed her from Yoshi's girlfriend into being Yoshi's sister, which would make their bickering feel a bit better. They were NOT originally related in the first version of the comic, for the record. And if you want to go "yeah, suuuure" in response to that, reminder that I was 13/14 when writing this.
To translate Kirby's mouth-full dialogue, he's saying "Oh, hello. You look just like another creature I just ate, I mean, met."

6 - A Lot, Yoshi

7 - Chapter One Intro

While my 2011 art still leaves a lot to be desired, it's also still a big step up from the chapter intro drawings from the end of the original comic.
8 - Anonymous Kirby
9 - Passing It Forwards

10 - Not Known For Their Flavor

As a minor update to the Yoshi characters, I gave them colored boots and saddles in this version. I also aimed to improve the distinct personalities of them, since most of the Yoshies could feel interchangeable in the original. I don't think I fully succeeded with all of them, but it was at least an earnest attempt.
11 - A Usual Response
12 - Fast As Lightning

13 - Destroy Us All

14 - The Worst Words

15 - A Shocking Experience

While I included a finger & hand sprite in the final panel to have Boalt shoot out lightning at Kirby, the unfortunate lack of visual clarity combined with the static pose of the rest of her body and the specific placement of the lightning bolt sprite... yeah, it leads to the amusingly awkward and unintentional appearance that she seemed to just fart the lightning out of her butt. It got pointed out to me back in 2011 and I just shrugged it off, insisting "but there IS a hand there, look!" When in reality, I really should've just modified the panel to be more distinctive.
16 - Gifts Aplenty
This was clearly an attempt to maintain some aspects of the original version's writing, while trying to also handle it better. So, I explain away the elemental powers this time around, but realistically, I probably should've just ditched them entirely. Or, at the very least, had them function more like the powers Yoshies tend to actually get in the games, where they eat certain shells or berries or powers to gain abilities like temporary fire breath, flight, super speeds, glowing, etc. Ah well.
17 - Flashy Fires
18 - Sneak Attack

19 - Adorability

20 - No Comeback

21 - Stare Master

This whole sequence of introducing the various Yoshies was certainly a lot better than the original comic's, but there still lay some foundational issues with the whole scenario that I neglected to patch up, whether intentionally or not. The main issue being the wishy-washy nature of how the Yoshies react to Kirby, and the need to just... have something be 'done' with Kirby. Yoshi invites him to the village to be friendly and within seeming minutes, is calling a vote about 'what do we do with this guy', it's just not very well thought-out despite the benefits of hindsight I had when writing it.
22 - Trouble Comes In Black & White
23 - A Less Odd Confrontation

24 - Authority Debate

25 - Grumble Mumble

Silica undermining Sencen a bit was something originally meant to occur in the original comic's timeline. Sencen would have become more of a power-hungry menace, while his poor treatment of his lackey Silica would convince her to switch sides and join the other Yoshies. Here, I intended to maintain that timeline concept, but I wanted to the sew the seeds much earlier. In retrospect, it's way TOO early, and gives Silica no time to actually be an antagonist properly or show her growth when she realizes her actions following Sencen are wrong. Pacing is everything, and let this be a lesson that you can always overcorrect and make things bad in the opposite direction when trying to fix something.
Also, Yoshi's text in Panel 2 is meant to be him whispering, hence the gray. It wasn't a coloring mistake, it was a decision mistake lol