I'll be providing bits of commentary and annotations as pages are displayed, to help clarity and elaborate on important information, context, and insights.
0 - Prologue Intro

1 - Pit Sorrows

Text bubbles are the ugly black rectangles you can see in each panel. Their color of font is the indicator of who's talking, so apologies for any colorblind users. Yes, there are no text bubble tails to indicate who is talking, and unfortunately I never wind up using that until the rebooted comic.
Also worth pointing out is the "Empty Gray Space". Mostly used in the earlier pages, these are occasional noncanon filler panels that break the fourth wall, and are meant as cheeky asides once the main panels are all finished reading. Think of them like Author's Notes, but where characters can engage with and react to what they themselves just went through in a noncanon way.
Speaking of Authors, like most sprite comic authors at the time, I had an authorsona. But since this original comic of Yoshi & Kirby predated even my username of Ultimate Yoshi / Ultimate Kirby, instead at the time I went by the very creative "Galactic Knight 09" on the website Kirby's Rainbow Resort. Since that was what prompted me to start making Kirby sprite comics at all, that username was the one I included in these comics, and made a multicolored, constantly-changing recolor of Galacta Knight to represent myself in these Empty Gray Spaces. It was bad and ugly and now you have to just deal with it.
2 - Bags And Maps

3 - Enter Kirby

Initially, there was zero explanation or context for how Kirby and Yoshi crossed over. While I do provide an explanation later, for now one just has to deal with the fact that Kirby is just kinda suddenly here.
4 - Consumation

5 -(Re)Appearing Act

You can see that I quickly experimented with various panel sizes, page layouts, and font choices in these earliest pages. Also, I should note that these annotations will assume one has at least a basic knowledge of Yoshi's Island/Super Mario and Kirby as worlds and set-ups.